My Choice For A Rifle System And Caliber

A good post from Mason Dixon Tactical discussing the merits of choosing the right weapon for you and your situation. I tend to agree thoroughly on his selection of a battle rifle over a carbine if you can pack it. Bringing that firepower to the fight can be a game changer.

Mason Dixon Tactical

20 May, 2015

Been pretty busy of late. I’ll try to keep it a little more current.


“What rifle do you use?” is one of the most frequently asked questions I get via email or on FB. One of the reasons is probably due to the pics people see from different classes I’ve taught ( I regularly carry my M1A SOCOM, an AKMS, or an M4). Then comes the inevitable, “If you could only pick one, what would it be?” My answer is usually prefaced with “It depends on what your scenario/situation is, and it depends on YOU.” My choice for a Survival/Combat rifle is the M14/M1A system, and the .308WIN/7.62Nato chambering (yes, it was also available in 7MM08 and .243WIN).

Why this rifle type, and why that caliber you ask. It’s simple. The M14 is still in the US military inventory, and is still issued to troops for certain…

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