Thin Red Lines

There are lines.  Lines that are meant not to be crossed.  Every person has their own.  Some are purely personal.  Some are dictated by policy.  Lines, in certain cases, that are there for the protection of others, even others for which we have no real loyalties.  When we as a country signed the Geneva Convention, we agreed to a lot of lines. Lines such as, well… I dunno… using chemical weapons (much less on unarmed civilians).  We also drew that line when it came to allowing other countries to do such atrocities.  This line was drawn in the sand.  The sand in Iraq to be exact.

When President Bush decided to take his military to war as the Commander in Chief, he did so with the deepest regret.  He had an understanding of the lives he was putting in harms way, and the bloodshed that would follow.  When the intelligence sources provided evidence that the famed leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, had been using chemical weapons to affect a genocide against the Kurdish people of northern Iraq, there was a huge red line crossed.

Now, many people over the years have argued that there were never any chemical weapons.  That President Bush had fabricated the intelligence to wage an illegal war to avenge his father’s efforts with Iraq in the early 90’s when Saddam Hussein had tried to invade his remarkably smaller neighbor country of Kuwait.  For years, I have heard news report after news report stating that the inspectors had found no weapons of “mass destruction”, while I encountered fellow servicemembers that had become sick from exposure to these weapons that did not exist.  Apparently, these imaginary chemical weapons were able to cross over from the realm of dreams and drop from the sky in the form of a mortar round containing sarin gas onto the base I was stationed at as well.  Luckily, the poorly manufactured round proved to be a dud and only a minor contamination occurred, but within itself that dud proved that these weapons did exist, and that we had a purpose to be there.  Lines had indeed been crossed.

It took a few years, but the proof revealed itself eventually.

Personal experiences aside, we trudged on fighting in Iraq against the fall out of the fascist regime’s Army, who had been disposed and wished to reclaim their lost power over the people.  All the while, sects of muslims battled each other, and us, for control over the country which was left with only a weak and fledgling government after its dictator was removed.  These sects and its religious fanatics were the ones who continued the fight in Iraq.  The ones who began terrorizing the civilian populace of their own country in an effort to force them to their side.  These savages, as they have been critically referred to in media such as Chris Kyle’s book, “American Sniper”, would go to homes of able bodied family men and hold their families hostage to force these men to emplace improvised explosive devises, to fire mortars upon their enemies, to walk into a crowd with an explosive vest, and to drive cement trucks packed with explosives towards whatever fortified target they could.  To force a man to assume the risk of your actions while you hold his family hostage is nothing short of savage, and those monsters shall be referred to as such.

People will try and argue that without our presence there these savages would not have anyone to fight.  There would have never been an issue if we had not gone to Iraq.  I believe the Kurds would say otherwise, as Saddam’s intent was to remove them from his country, and subsequently the mortal coil.  Genocide was the goal.  A holocaust, if you will.  Our presence stopped that from becoming a reality.  But what if we had left after?  They surely wouldn’t have anyone else to focus their fighting upon.  As I stated, it was a fight between religious sects with power and control of Iraq being the prize of the victor.  Men who seek such power rarely care for the innocents that are sacrificed along the way.  The fight would happen, regardless of who was there to fight.  I witnessed this personally.  There were police officers in Iraq, similarly to any other country, and despite their country imploding, they stepped up heroically to attempt to keep the peace within their cities.  Their efforts didn’t go unnoticed.  They, like the military, were shot at, rocketed, mortared, ambushed, and ultimately roadside bombed in their police cars while attempting to keep their cities safe.
wpid-20150121_220445.jpgThis Iraqi police car was hit by an IED.  The guy that was in it was a friend of mine.  He often brought us kebabs and we would drink chai tea and for a split second, you could believe that you weren’t in a war where people slaughtered each other just to say they were in charge.  He was a good man trying to do good things for his family, friends, and his own country, and I watched his friends pick his brains off of the dashboard of that police car.  Look closely, there’s still some grey matter there.  Soak it in.

So when someone says that America didn’t have a purpose for being there, it’s a little more than insulting.  In fact, I spend most of my days biting my tongue as to avoid engaging every would-be foreign policy correspondent that comes across social media with an ill word to say on the subject simply because I would spend every day of my life infuriated from arguing with people who are so wrapped around 1st world problems that they can’t see past the thick black frames of their ironic glasses.  The world is a cruel place.  There are people who want to do you harm.  You may not see it.  You will probably write this off as paranoia, because its convenient for you to, but they are there, and they want to hurt you because your life is better than theirs and they are pissed off and jealous.  They hate you because you are different.  They hate you because you have a different god than them.  They hate you because in their religious belief you are a sinner because you wear jeans and don’t cover your face in public.  They hate you because their father before them hated you.  They hate you for reasons dating all the way back to slights that occurred during the 1st Holy Crusade.  Some even have no earthly idea why they hate you, but that doesn’t stop them.  Given the chance these people would invade and bring their religious sect’s order upon you and cleanse you of your sins through death and conversion.  Who are our troops protecting us from?  If that is a legitimate question coming from your mouth the you need only keep up with ISIS on twitter.  Why, if they can succeed in demolishing the Iraqi Army with such ease, do they not simply float on across the ocean and bring their fight to America (short of a onsey and twosey jihadist that attack unsuspecting people)?  Why have they not taken over any American cities?  Is it because we are such a nice country then?  Or is simply by having shown that our forces can endure them.  We can fight them, we can reduce them, and we can dwindle them because we have time and time again on their turf.  How much harder would we fight on our home field when our families have stray bullets flying at them?  That show of force in other countries has kept those freedoms protected.  Those very freedoms that people seem to think they are naturally entitled to regardless of whether there are soldiers standing guard to keep them in place.  Those freedoms that were fought for and won by an Army of the people way back in 1775, and upheld by an Army ever since.

For any American to say that a servicemember who served honorably and did his duty is not a hero, regardless of his kill count or his apathy towards the lives he took, is treasonous.  If you denounce the very people who have ensured your rights and freedoms then you had might as well denounce your rights and your citizenship to this country along with it because you don’t deserve it.  Land of the free, home of the brave is our motto.  Often it is misquoted to say “because of the brave”.  Being misquoted doesn’t make it any less true.  Bravery doesn’t come from a scathing editorial about an honored Navy Seal from the comfort of a padded rolley chair with an orthopedic keyboard.  Bravery isn’t found sipping a dangerously hot latte whilst using free wifi to belittle the sacrifices of men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect innocent people.  Bravery isn’t scrutinizing the emotional turmoil that goes hand-in-hand with having to take lives, watch lives be taken, and to not be able to save the lives that needed to be saved.  Those are lines you simply do not cross.

Chris Kyle with GA Precision GAP GladiusAs for the recent attacks that have been focused on my sniper brethren, that is a whole different line.  The insults towards what we do being “cowardly” are nothing short of inflammatory and ridiculous.  I have stayed more or less silent in regards to them, but once again, there are lines.  “I think most Americans don’t think snipers are heroes”.  Personally, I would say Michael Moore is pretty detached from the average American.  The “average” American household brings in approximately $50,000 annually, whereas Mr. Moore’s net worth is placed at $50 million (  I’m not entirely sure on this, but I’m fairly certain that a person worth $50 million runs in different social circles than most American citizens and probably didn’t get a fair census of what Americans truly think of snipers.  More accurately I would say his social circle is fairly limited to extremely leftist, highly pompous, and overly arrogant Hollywood elitists who’s major life accomplishment was winning an award for aiming a camera in a provocative manner.  It’s infuriating to suffer the comments generalized at my friends, colleagues, and myself, though it’s not for the insult itself, but rather the fact that such an insignificant person who hasn’t seen a shot fired in anger can judge the honor and courage of various roles on a battlefield.  Comparably, the irritation that I feel when I see these tweets is reminiscent of having your hands tied while a gnat gnaws on your cheek.  Ultimately, its not going to damage you, but fuck all if you don’t just want to swat the shit out of the damn thing to make it stop.  But then there’s those lines again.  It would be crossing quite a major one to swat such an insignificant little insect; as pleasing as it would be to many.

I’m not an obtuse man.  I have a bit of clarity that most people see movies and see snipers in movies and have a general belief that a sniper is some guy that gets up in a bell tower somewhere and shoots a bad guy in the face.  While that’s not completely untrue, there is much more to it than it seems.  Snipers operate in the smallest groups on the battlefield.  We have less guys watching our backs.  We go deeper into unfriendly territory than everyone else, and we survive against the greatest odds.  We are masters of precision fire.  A sniper and his rifle can do with one well placed shot what it would take an artillery barrage to accomplish, and do it with a lot less collateral damage.  We are more than just a gun.  We are a psychological factor.  If you need proof, Mr Moore’s uncle was shot by a sniper and to this day he feels the need to demonize them.  Psychologically effected an entire generation into the future with one single shot which Mr. Moore didn’t even witness.  Now imagine the enemy’s resolve after the man next to them is taken out by a single accurate shot.  You just took two men out of the fight, maybe more.  We create chaos.  Imagine trying to ask your boss what your tasks for the day are, but he decided not to show up for the day.  What work gets accomplished?  Who takes charge?  Who has to do the work of the guy that took charge?  Disorder ensues.  Leadership is the priority target of a sniper.

Snipers are not as base as an anti-war sensationalist would lead you to believe.  We are feared on the battlefield and can do more to shape it than an entire battalion of soldiers.  A single, well-placed, arrow completely ended the Battle of Hastings in 1066 by reportedly piercing the skull of the then crowned king, King Harold.  This one arrow changed the future of England and allowed the Normans to conquer it and establish a new ruling dynasty in Britain.  Obviously, when you are that effective there is going to be some animosity thrown in your direction.  There is going to be a lot of misunderstanding and fear.  There are, apparently, even going to be people calling you a coward.  All you can do is toe the line, keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire, and, from time to time, shoe away some gnats gnawing at your cheek.

Stay hidden; stay safe.  – But sometimes you need to stand up and let your shots ring out.

44 thoughts on “Thin Red Lines

  1. Pingback: Thin Red Lines | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  2. when will the military stand up to the treasonous activities being perpetrated by our own government? every day i read the news and am in complete disbelief at what all three branches of our government are doing (and not doing)…

    it feels like nothing and nobody is on the side of the american citizen while the walls are being moved in inch by inch day by day… it is a very hopeless feeling most days… i ask people and friends who are military or LEO or similar and most are completely unaware – just too busy in their own small existence and worried about nothing greater then that – nearly all of these people and more are not even aware of what the NDAA is or what it can do, and that is just one of a growing handful of increasingly threatening items being positioned against our Country and our freedoms. trying to wake up people and share the truth of what is happening with others is seeming to be a futile task while i wait for that huge wave to break overhead

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “For any American to say that a servicemember who served honorably and did his duty is not a hero, regardless of his kill count or his apathy towards the lives he took, is treasonous.”

    That sentence is bullshit. Saying a honorable service member is not a hero is not treason, either as defined by the Constitution, or a more common definition, just betraying something through disloyalty. Serving “honorably” does not make someone a “hero”. Said as someone that served honorably.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. FYI. The American people have lost most, if not all their freedoms. Are you that disconnected from reality? I for one, have quit working so I no longer have to support the satanic NWO army that you serve. Why don’t you do what really needs to done? Until then, YOU, or any other active member of the military are not heros…

    Liked by 3 people

  5. You donkey… the reason why the discovery of the “chemical weapons” was kept strictly secret was because the weapons discovered were Amerikan made, Amerikan supplied chemical weapons… supplied to Saddam in the 80’s for his war against Iran.

    President Regan supplied chemical weapons to our BFF (best friend forever) back the (Saddam) to use willy, nilly against the evil Iranians.

    Wrap your freaking skulls around this fact.

    Had these weapons found been of Iraqi manufacture/origin… it would have hit the papers like an atomic bomb.

    After the first gulf war Saddam ditched all of these chemical weapons–into deep holes in the desert. They were not “secret caches” but rather trash dumps.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “For any American to say that a service member who served honorably and did his duty is not a hero, regardless of his kill count or his apathy towards the lives he took, is treasonous”

    Nice thoughts above… but no brass ring.

    FYI–we do not have any “service member/s” nor do we was a US military anymore.
    We do possess a “Global Police/Mercenary Force” for good!

    These ponces who join up and wear the trappings of our former military, and salute a flag, and mumble a constitutional oath (which they never uphold) are not fighting in the interests of the USA, or its people anymore. It’s irrelevant if they think or “believe” they are for “our freedom”–of if some flag-waving dunder-heads believe they are fighting for our freedom.

    The real fact of the matter is that they are not acting in the best interests of the American people anymore–they are fighting, dying and being wounded for a global financial oligarchy that is the enemy of humanity.

    Our war in Iraq was waged because Saddam wanted to break away from the US military backed “dollar tyranny” which is imposed at the point of a gun and carrier battle groups world wide. The WMD ruse, was just that–a ruse. And when they did find some old chemical weapons (which turned out to be US made/supplied), TPTB covered up.

    The same scenario thing is unfolding again in the Ukraine where the USA has spent several billion dollars overthrowing that government and installing a Neo-Nazi regime–Russia (the good guys) is opposing the USA and is in the process of dumping the ponzi-scheme dollar tyranny… but this time the OPFOR has nuclear weapons and cannot be bullied about.

    Chris Kyle and the other members of our “global force for good” were in fact the invaders and occupiers of Iraq–and the opposition there “freedom fighters” and not “terrorists.” The mere fact that these people would even use their own women and children as weapons against our “global force for good” is proof of their conviction. If another country were to invade our own homeland–there is not doubt we would also use the same ruthless tactics against these enemies.

    Chris Kyle was not fighting for my freedom, nor are any members of our alleged military fighting for my freedom now.

    In fact they are only going to turn out to be tools of our oppression in the future.

    I have no thanks to give to them for any of their actions anymore–and no sympathy for them if they suffer casualties…. perhaps instead of applying to the VA for help afterwards, they should apply to George Soros and Henry Kissinger for aid.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Brutal , but correct. And this coming from a vet who used to believe the BS about “protecting America.” The only thing we protect are bankster interests.

      The last “just” war we had was in 1812. Every one since then has been about money. Of course, 99% are oblivious to this fact… which demonstrates the LACK of intelligence in the general public.


        • Let me get your mind right about “Pearl Harbor”…

          The USA initiated that conflict with Japan–not the other way around.
          The USA (under Roosevelt’s leadership) provoked Japan into war with the trade sanctions and oil embargoes, know full well that Japan would react the way that they did.

          The USA initiated acts of war against Japan–and Japan retaliated.

          Roosevelt did this to bring the country backhandedly into WWII.
          No one supported getting involved in the European war back in those days.
          A back-handed method was needed to bring the county 180 degrees around–and Roosevelt using his presidential powers did just that with Japan.

          Japan did not sneak attack. The US administration knew full well what would happen, only they did not know just when and where (which was irrelevant).

          After the attack on Pearl Harbor–the dummies, the flag-wavers lined up like sheep to the slaughter to join the Marines and Army.

          This is what Roosevelt wanted and what he got.

          The schmucks who died at Pearl Harbor were just that–schmucks. Pawns.


          • You made a few comments I would like to address, first the accusations of Chemical weapons in Iraq are American, that is untrue, in fact they were manufactured and sold by Germany and 8 men are serving life in prison for it. As far as we committing and act of War against Japan ? BS, sanctions and refusing to sell or trade goods with someone is not an act of war, but raping and murdering a million Chinese and invading Korea is an act of war. Kids and young people like you, don’t have any life experiences and have not lived long enough to know jack.


          • Oh look, one of the nutjobs from WRSA is here!! Don’t get me ring, I love WRSA, great site with lots of great info, but some of the commenters there are completely out to lunch, such as this turd polisher.


    • You know what? Your an ass hole. Try writing this over in any of the countries that these guys are fighting and dying in and see how far you get. You can thank God you still live in a country that gives you the right to spew such bull. Do us all a favor and go live over to what ever country you choose just go. But before you go get down on your knees and thank God you have lived this long in a country that have lost so many to give you the right to spew all this sh—-t. I’m not a youngster A–hole. I can remember Pearl Harbor I was only 8yrs old. So count your blessing A.H.


  7. ‘American Sniper’ –
    A Review By John Barbour

    By John Barbour

    Clint Eastwood is now by far a much better Director than he is an actor. In the last ten years two of his films rank amongst America’s best, ‘Grand Tourino’ and the under-rated, excellent ‘Hereafter.’

    In ‘American Sniper.’ he has kept Directing until he got it wrong. As a film, it fires blanks. As a video game and recruitment poster it is right on target. As a piece of cinematic storytelling, it has absolutely the clumsiest, sloppiest, most gutless ending I have ever seen in a movie.

    In order for a film or any story to work, it has to have characters, people, that you care about or identify with or root for. It’s an edict as old as David and Goliath. An outstanding Director and Writer can suck you in to caring and liking and cheering for
    people whom in real life you might abhor. There’s no better example of this than ‘The Godfather.’ In this classic, probably the second best movie to come out of Hollywood since ‘Citizen Kane,’ Director Francis Coppola and Writer Mario Puzzo weave a tale and paint pictures that have you passionately embracing a Mafia family of gangsters and killers, except, in the beginning, Pacino’s character.

    I had no initial interest in seeing this film. Having seen every Bogart and Cagney and Eddie G. Robinson gangster movie to come out of Warners during the 30’s and 40’s, by the time the 70’s, with Viet Nam and Civil Rights on everybody’s mind, I had no desire whatsoever to revisit overcooked and overdone crooked Italians from the Truman era. But I had to. It was my job. I was a film-critic.

    Within minutes of ‘The Godfather’ I was no longer a film critic. I was a fan. I’ve now seen it a dozen times. That’s what good story-telling is all about.

    On the other hand, ‘American Sniper’ turned me from an Eastwood fan, back into a critic. This is the perfect film to show at film schools on how not to tell a story.

    I should tell you honestly, I also had little desire, excerpt for my liking of most of Eastwood’s work, to see this film. If, at first, I didn’t want to see fictitious gangsters in ‘The Godfather,’ I was repulsed by thought of seeing someone depicted as a hero in a fake war which Bush and Cheney and Rice and Collin Powell all lied us into. I mean, these are real gangsters. Not one word of this truth is uttered in the entire two tiresome hours of video game target practice and carnage.

    In fairness to Bradley Cooper and the actress who played his wife, they were compelling. But you notice I said ‘played;’ and that’s what it was. It was ‘play acting.’ We saw as a kid how Chris Kyle, whose book the film is based on, might be beaten with a belt if he wasn’t tough, and a good shot and a good hunter. I was hoping Clint would somehow turn me into a fan by revealing what would compel someone, who didn’t have to, who had a young family, why he’d return four times to a ravaged Iraq to shoot from ambush 180 people. Unless that’s what he loved to do. Kill people. A legalized, uniformed serial killer.Who can love or even like someone like that? You know who can? The people who voted for Bush. Who else? But Clint failed.

    There’s a brief attempt to try to make him appear human when a young boy picks up a grenade launcher dropped by an Iraqui whose head Kyle has just blown off. The launcher is heavy as he tries clumsily to raise and fire it. The kid is in Kyle’s scope, as he mumbles to himself, ‘Drop it,kid. drop it.’ Which the boy does. That’s it. It reveals nothing. It is meaningless. As is this movie. As was the war.

    The only remote reference to this is when a fellow Seal asks him if he’s ever wondered why we’re here? Again, That’s it. Nada. Nothing relevant. And the reason Eastwood doesn’t have Kyle give his buddy a good reason is because Eastwood couldn’t think of one. Neither could Bush or Cheney. That we were there was enough. Now we’re there we’ve got to support the troops!

    And that is the flimsy, stupid answer Eastwood puts in Kyle’s mouth when he responds, saying, ‘We’ve got to kill these savages here. Do you want them in San Diego?’

    Does anyone, anyone in America actually believe that Iraquis, who had nothing to do with 911, with no Air Force, no Army, no Navy are going to invade San Diego? How? By disguising themselves as Mexicans and sneaking across the border?

    And calling them ‘savages’ when they are defending their land and families from the real terrorists, as Martin Luther King said loudly, us. Spelled with a U.S! It’s what what we called Indians when we stole their land. Or ‘gooks,’ what we called Vietnamese when we wanted that other fake war escalated..

    The real Chris Kyle was found by a jury to be a liar. Fellow SEAL Jesse Ventura was awarded nearly two million dollars when Kyle claimed he punched the former Minnesota governor out. Researchers have found dozens of other tall tales in his writing. One that appears to have made its way into the film is one of the movies high points, for Eastwood anyway! For months an Iraqui sniper every bit as proficient as Kyle, has been popping off American engineers and contractors trying to rebuild the country. (That in itself is laughable.) So, like one of Clint’s old spaghetti Westerns, it is now the black hat versus the white hat. And, wouldn’t you know it, Clint’s wardrobe man puts the villain in black, with a beard to match.

    After Blackie pops off another one of our good guys, Kyle spots him through his high powered scope. Over a mile away. And gets him from that distance right through the left eye. And get this colossal cinematic idiocy…With a slow motion bullet!

    Some in the audience cheered. Like kids at a Roadrunner cartoon. It pleases the kind of audience that Shakespeare, in Hamlet, called the ‘Groundlings!’ Even atheists will be compelled to say, ‘God save us from these idiots!’

    When Kyle finally returns to his family, and almost kills his own dog after a brief flashback, he ends up at a VA hospital. The doctor asks if he has any regrets in killing 180 people. He says, ‘No, I would have killed more to save our guys!’

    The doctor then says there are soldiers in the hospital who still need saving. So, after Clint shows us real soldiers with real limbs lost, Kykle befriends some, and takes them to the gun range. For therapy.

    And this is where the movie ends. In one of the greatest, clumsiest, most cowardly collapses in story-telling one -o -one. As Kyle climbs into his truck with what looks like a tense young man, and the wife watching suspiciously from the doorway, the screen goes black. On this black screen up pops the information that Chris Kyle was shot by a veteran he was trying to help.

    It gets even worse..

    The bible, or some other good book, said, ‘Those who live by the sword, die by the sword!’ Kyle lived by the bullet, and we should have seen him die by the bullet. In the head. Then we should have seen the disturbed vet then blow his own brains out. Then we should have gone to black. And stayed there!!! The audience would have been stunned. And speechless. And then perhaps the movie would have finally made a point. Made some kind of sense.

    Instead, after the sentence on the screen, the credits roll and under them Clint shows newsreel footage of the long elaborate military funeral. It turned from a moving picture to a recruitment poster.

    Chris Kyle may have truly done some heroic things in Iraq to save some of his buddies. As did thousands of others. But that does not a hero make.

    You know who was a military hero, though, an American hero? Pat Tillman. After 9/11 Pat immediately gave up a lucrative successful career in there NFL, and believing Bush, enlisted to get ‘the bad guys’ in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, it didn’t take him long to realize, the bad guys weren’t in Kabul. They were in Washington. He now realized he had to go back and fight them. He was in contact with leaders of the anti-war movement here, and planning to join them when he was shot and killed. Probably by us!

    Instead of making a movie about a soldier who kills 180 people, why not make a movie about a soldier who is trying to save thousands.

    Do you think Clint Eastwood would have the balls, or the convictions or the smarts to make a movie about Pat Tillman?

    I doubt it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve refrained from saying anything on the comments simply because everyone prior has come here with an agenda to argue, which I have no desire to argue at people who are set in their view. It accomplishes nothing but harsh words and frustration. You sir, have come with an obvious agenda. Its undeniable with the amount of references to Pat Tillman (which to your remarks, I have it on pretty good authority that his peers considered him a prima dona and an ass and that he did indeed fall victim to fratricide).

      That aside, I believe you missed the point of the post. While I personally enjoyed the movie, I don’t use the movie as a representation of the man or snipers. This post wasn’t the place to give a thorough criticism of Mr. Eastwood, his directing skills, or cinema in general. This post was to address the issues that people have had with the actual events that have taken place and the verbal assault that has been aimed at our snipers in particular. I hope you reread this and understand that this has nothing to do with a loosely based movie, and all to do with supporting the people who keep us safe.

      Good day to you.


      • You should stop drinking the Kool Aid please.

        These “people” you revere do not keep us safe.
        They do not act in the interests of the American people anymore, nor follow their constitutional oaths.
        What they do now overseas is completely irrelevant now.
        In fact when the chips are down, they will fall in line with our oppressors just to draw a paycheck and feed their pie holes.


        • PS: the movie “American Sniper” stunk.
          It was not Clint Eastwood’s best movie.
          It is a movie that the flag-waving retards brainwashed (like yourself) by the establishment drool are clinging to by the droves now, and this is why it is making so much money.

          It was barely watchable. It was all propaganda.
          CK was a dope with a shooting skill.
          He in reality was a moron who could barely string two words together–and thus had to have two co-authors for his book.


  8. Alrighty then. As much as you like to blab about reality checks I think it is you who needs one. Do you read from history? Do you learn from it? Probably not! For you to be such a naive person, to base your arguments on popularist ideals that are all the rage of the time and have no more substance than a will o the wisp. Do you know why it is Armies are maintained by countries? The answer to that question lies in the terrible realities of human nature. You like to talk about the perversion of power that has been carried out by our Men and Women who bear their rifles before them. I think you need to think about how exactly it is you affect the balance of power.Do you make it your mission every day to look for ways to use your status as a citizen of your native country to improve it? To uphold its integrity? To learn its history? To take the responsibility for finding solutions when something in the system appears to be broken? I highly doubt any of this can really be applied to you. Your interest and knowledge of the matter is only skin deep and never reaches the heart of the subject. You play to the mirages of surface illusions much more than than the people you accuse of being blatantly obtuse


  9. “European American”… no such thing exists. One, or the other. “John Barbour”. No comment for the bathroom haircut. Never been in a fight, I’ll bet. Never been punched, never had to defend your own personal space or that of your family, I’ll bet.
    Now, on to those who cast aspersions to the individuals in uniform. I did three combat tours in s.e. asia. I was not a member of the global bankster police. I was active duty Marine Corps. I fought for my brothers in arms, period. For the soldier, that is the bottom line. “Home” is on the other side of duty. We didn’t have the internet, or time to debate whether or not we should follow orders. You armchair fuckers have all the time in the world for your mental masturbation, but still miss the point. Believe in something, have a code of honor, and stand up. If you have the answers, get up off that ass, boy, and lead the way.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I have read this article with interest. I am British and a retired RAF pilot. I served in, amongst other place, in the first gulf war. A war which sorrowfully we did not take to conclusion. Had we done so the second would have been unnecessary.
    If Mr Kyle was a coward as some allege, what does that make us pilots? I dropped low level munitions and in the process undoubtedly killed and maimed far more people than he. Many of the people we killed would have been trained to do the same job as he. In killing them both he and I undoubtedly prevented them from engaging other troops and killing or wounding many of them.
    That succinctly put was both our roles and I like he would rather view their corpses than those of my friends.
    For years I flew the Buccaneer in its nuclear role. Had I been called upon to drop the WE177 I would of done so. In the process I would have killed tens of thousands, probably many civilians. I would not have relished that role but I did recognise the necessity of the act had that war took place.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Hear, hear; Robert! And bravo, sir, for succinctly putting a point on it. Once one is in combat – whatever the role – one realizes that he or she is there as much or more for one’s fellows as the folks back home. And, one realizes “home” is reached only by crossing to the other side of the war. What must be done, must be done. For all of the detractors, understand that your peaceful sleep is paid for by those who “imply the threat.” If or when you are kneeling with a knife at your throat, and a well aimed .338 or .308 eliminates that threat, you will have a much different view of snipers…

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Hey Specter. Do you now see what your fellow Americans think of what you represent? There are millions who don’t swallow the USA Corporation stupid pill. So, you had a crap job and didn’t like it? You do understand that you are supporting the same scum that has destroyed our GOOD JOBS here in America? So you re-enlisted to kill people who do nothing different than what we will do when you, or any other military invades our lands. I will lay odds that one-day you will get exactly what you give, that, or you take your own life after years of being haunted by the souls you have taken in the name of greed and empire. Wake-up man.


    • So of 4000 reads, I’ve had 30 some odd people say something negative. I farted out more shares on facebook without trying. You sir, are the minority of the populace. Enjoy knowing that your brand of inflammatory conspiracy theory is largely viewed as a crock of crap cooked in tin foil hats.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. I’m no one special, and a civilian. I have family members who are Marines, one of whom served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively. I think snipers are an integral part of war, and have been since rifled barrels became more common (though I didn’t know “king” Harold was killed by a Norman bowman – so thanks for that). I also support the troops in defending our freedom. However, I’m not convinced that the occupation of those nations for so many years after we had beaten the opposition, was the morally right thing to do. I also don’t see how our troops defended our freedoms through occupying a nation whose people, overall, didn’t seem to want us there.

    At some point, in my mind, we crossed a line between good guy liberator and occupier/conqueror. We were justified in pursuing the enemy after 9/11, and I supported that…but after it became obvious we weren’t leaving, it doesn’t seem like a righteous conflict anymore, and I have a hard time seeing our guys as the good guys during that period. I wish our government had not kept them there, but had withdrawn after we made our statement. Had they come here and occupied our land, we would have mounted a guerilla campaign, too. I understand a sniper wanting to save a soldier’s life by shooting a guerilla fighter trying to kill that soldier, but I find it hard to call it heroic if the guerilla sniper was only doing what Americans would do in his place we’re the roles reversed.

    I wish it were more in black and white, but all I see in that conflict is gray. Our troops should not have been placed into that position. I think that our government has developed a tendency to use our troops as mercenaries to do its bidding, rather than only use them to defend America as they joined up to do.

    I promise to listen if you respond, Arctic. I’m here for constructive debate, not to wave my arms and yell like a lunatic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So let’s try this again without kids present to delete what’s been written.

      Thank you for your candor. As you can see there has been a flurry of people who have, like you said, been ranting like lunatics.
      To respond to your comment, think of it in terms like this: You go to help a friend move his couch, in the process you knock over a bunch of his stuff. Would you stay and help him pick up the stuff you knocked over or would you dip out once the initial job was complete? That was Iraq. We messed up the order of things that had been in place for 24 years under Saddam’s dictatorship. He took out his competitors, leaving Iraq with no real qualified people to lead after he was deposed. We spent the subsequent years cleaning up the house, and trying to leave it straight. As many generals have now come out to say, we in fact left too soon as the fledgling governement and Army have since been overwhelmed by a new threat that gained momentum. That is what kept us there for so long. We left a baby deer wobbling on its own legs to fend off predators. Along the way, the media disenchanted our purpose because ultimately, less was being newsworthy. That’s technically a success, but as the popularity of our efforts was in the decline, the pressure to bail on what we had achieved thus far increased.

      War is never black and white. It’s always a hazy gray color. ALWAYS. It’s not like old TV shows where the good guys are wearing white hats and the bad guys are wearing black hats, though, I wish it was the simple. Instead our opposition dressed in the same clothes that civilians did, and often hid their weapons until it was time to use them, only to put them away again after the deed was done. It made things complicated to say the least. Mistakes were made by individuals. That’s to be expected when you have a life or death situation with a split second to make the decision in. Wrong choices are sometimes the only option you see at the time, and unless you’ve ever endured that, its nearly impossible to actually, clearly imagine that it would be the case. A lot of people have a great plan until the first shot is fired. (If you want some insight into the concept, I recommend “On Combat” by LTC Dave Grossman)

      As for comparing our snipers to the ones we encountered, there are subtle differences. Yes, we fulfill the same role on opposite sides of the coin. But many of the snipers that operated in Iraq were not even Iraqi. Mostly they were Syrian and Chechnyan. They came to Iraq to engage in holy war against Americans because it was easier for them to operate within a situation already filled with turmoil. These guys didn’t care whether they shot a soldier or civilian. They were just looking to end Americans for being impurities against their religion and we were close to their countries and a-plenty. The only real notable Iraqi sniper was Juba, who it was never confirmed whether he was a single person or a collective, but with the little amount of information revealed from his videos gave the concensus that (he) was at least from Iraq. With American snipers, however, we don’t go out hunting for Iraqis. We went out hunting for combatants. Unfortunately, the concept is muddied because often by the time QRF is on the scene, the body has been moved, weapon removed, and claim of being a combatant disputed by his family (as they discussed in the film that everyone is up in arms about).

      I feel this isn’t nearly in-depth and comprehensive enough, but that would require a whole nother blog post to accurately describe. I hope you got some of your questions answered, by this however.


      • Thank you for the response, Arctic. I try to get as many viewpoints as I can. It’s difficult for someone who didn’t see first hand to get an accurate, as unbiased as possible report from those who were.

        As for Anon’s comment…questioning things is one of the most important duties that an American has. Blindly supporting anyone, troops or otherwise, especially if they are affiliated with a government, is extremely dangerous. Trying to maintain an independent state of mind and make your choices, and allegiances, based on your own values, is a powerful tool in supporting liberty. To question something that our troops do, then, is not unpatriotic or treasonous, in my opinion. It is merely an effort to decide for oneself who to support, to what extent, and why.


        • The disconnect with questions about things our troops do that I have seen as of late, is that there are less questions and more statements of the accusative kind. If more people had your mentality there would be less issues, but some of these characters come at it with a decisive agenda as if to witch hunt.


  14. Rah 45,
    Well, I had a long, thoughtful response for you, but my kid managed to reach over and pound on the key board and it was gone. So, please be patient since I won’t get a chance to retype it until later. I only hope its up to par with what I had already written.


  15. You got all these shit-head comments because someone posted this over at WRSA, the home of Chris Kyle, cop-haters and anarchist in general. You’re doing a great job of getting the message out from true patriot Americans and rolling with the punches.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anon.
      Yeah, there IS that crowd at WSRA. There’s also the circles that I connect with within it that are open, reasonable, and doing work, instead of trying to verbally beat up a low-level blogger. From the ones on here that have tried to jump my case I hear only thunder, but there’s no rain clouds in sight. Thank you for the support, however. The compliments and good vibes are always appreciated. Good to know there’s people left in the world worth fighting for, outside of my family.


        • Jay 352,
          Yeah, apparently the style now-a-days is to make sure people are well educated in just how much YOU know about oligarchies, what REALLY happened in expeditionary wars, how the banks run everything and to remind them of how much of a peon they are for not bucking the system upon every available opportunity. Along with this there seems to be an all or none mindset where if you disagree, you are apparently retarded and drinking the Kool-Aid of our government overlords. I guess when free speach is on the line, it only applies to those who have similar things to say. But hey, what do I know? Not that it matters because as I’ve been informed, I’ll be marching off to the next war to die as my country abandons me, all the while they will complain freely about how free they are not.


          • I am with any man , woman, child or anything in between that is a true patriot and lover of the constitution of this country. Some people are just true haters and the end all of this to them is violence. While I may advocate violence, it is not out of hate and it is a means to an end, not simply an end in itself. I believe that they run more with the anarchist crowd and are not out to restore rightful liberty and a free republic. Our republic as founded, had great faith in the qualities of the people and those qualities were considered essential for liberty. Americans were a like minded people and it took that plus a lot of co-operation to make the whole thing work. We have a big job ahead of us and demonizing someone who is not 100% of your exact thought isn’t going to make it easier. I think that they get so caught up in their conspiracy theories that they lose sight of the actual goal. Maybe the theory is true…. What ever.. look to the goal and don’t ball bust someone on the same side. If it is so wrong… do something.

            Liked by 1 person

  16. Well-spoken Jay352. I see we are of a similar mind. I think there might be a few people floating in and out of this page that would agree with you too. What has continually bothered me about all of the rhetoric I have ran into in the last few days is it seems there are a lot of people eager to tell everyone just how fucked up things and people are, but I’ve not heard one viable solution from any of them, just condescension. History lessons from those with some tall horses in their stables, but no one talking of what they are doing to solve these issues, short of not paying taxes to a government they despise. Does that mean I have ideas that could fix this country? Certainly no. I’m no politician, nor do I care to be. But I also don’t have something negative to say about the country I live in or the generally good people who live in it with every comment I provide. Which ultimately, brings us back to one of my original statements, if America is SO broken, then why aren’t people flocking to a different country where they can better enjoy their freedoms?


  17. Oh, and about the whole Japanese thingy…. Don’t make the Japanese out to be the ahem, “innocent” party. Citizens in China of towns that were clearly non-military targets, cheered and whooped for the good ‘ol USofA when our Boys came and drove away the Japanese who had dumped bomb after bomb on said towns. The Japanese did it for no other reason than to strike terror in the hearts of the civilians in order to cow them into submission. Sound familiar? I read a good account of that by a journalist who was there when it happened, he wrote a book called ” In Search of History”. Of course there will always be shades of gray, but from where I stand I think it is more dangerous to give up on a black and white pov. Because if you see from everyone’s pov, if you listen to everymans advice, then basically you reach a point where anything goes. And i don’t want to reach that point. You need rules. Oh, and another thing… Have you seen what Iraq /Afghanistan used to look like before the extremist muslims took over? Back in the day women went to school, held jobs, didn’t wear burkas. Their cities were very cosmopolitan. Now, I can’t be sure how and why the regime rose to power and took over, Im sure that quite a bit of political manouvering took place. The particulars unfortunately I can only guess at, as do we all. There are too many layers of b.s floating around to distract you from what really happens. Your own fear and distrust of certain “organizations’ is used to mislead you….. But whatever, really just had those two thoughts to add. Oh, and I know a man who used to live in Azerbaijan who now resides in the US. He and his family were driven from their homes by radical muslims. A girl from his town was brutalized, killed, and then roasted in the town square and eaten. Hows that for “people just fighting back because they have been politically victimized all this time”? Bull shit. Savages. If the shoe fits…..


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